The Global Startup Ecosystem Index Report 2024

Ranking the Startup Ecosystems of 1,000 cities and 100 countries

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City & Country Rankings: Explore the world's top 100 countries and 1,000 cities ranked by startup ecosystem strength, accompanied by focused analysis.

Regional Analysis: Review the top cities and countries taking the lead in each major region.

Industry Analysis: Explore the world’s best ecosystems across 12 industries, such as foodtech, edtech, Covid-19 innovation, and more.

Methodology: Understand our methodology and ranking algorithm, including internal and external sources used to generate the ranking.

Case Studies: Discover some of the world’s most exciting startup ecosystems and understand what makes them unique.

If you’re looking for further elaboration of the data and analysis used to create the report, head over to our StartupBlink PRO page. There you can access the rankings in more detail, explore the raw data we used to feed into the algorithm, and receive a tailored ecosystem analysis of your city.

Want to help us make the report better?

Become an Ecosystem Partner in your city. Read all about it here.
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S T A R T U P B L I N K   P R E S E N T S

Startup Ecosystem 

Rankings Report 2020

Ranking 1,000 cities and 100 countries around the world!

Why should you download this report?

Find out how your city and country are ranked in the Startup Ecosystem Rankings 2020 report

Get comparative analysis of ecosystems across regions.

Know key insights from the Coronavirus Innovation Rankings from the Coronavirus Innovation Map by HIEx by UNAIDS and Moscow Agency of Innovations.

What's inside the report:

City Rankings: Hundreds of cities have been ranked based on their startup ecosystem activity level! 

Country Rankings: In this section, you’ll see the world's most comprehensive ranking of countries based on their startup ecosystem strength. We will also go into a focused analysis of most of the countries included in the report.

Regional Analysis: Tables and Analysis of the main regions in the world featuring the top cities and countries in each.

Coronavirus Innovation Rankings: We explore the location rankings of the Coronavirus Innovation Map, launched with the HIEx by UNAIDS and Moscow Agency of Innovations, and give insights on the effect of the pandemic on Startup Ecosystems.

Methodology: Full explanation about our methodology and ranking algorithm including internal and external sources used to generate this ranking. 

Case Studies: Our data partners have each written an in-depth article about their specific startup ecosystem, spoke about what makes it unique, elaborated about their startup sub-industries and superstars. 

If you’re looking for even more data points and analysis tools, head over to our StartupBlink PRO page! There you can unlock access to all of the rankings, receive the excels with all of the raw data we used to feed into the algorithm that produced the rankings and much more!

Want to help us make the report better?

For more details about the following options, please Contact us.

  1. Become a Ecosystem Partner in your city. Read all about it here.

  2. Specific Research. We can work on specific research and consulting projects on your local startup ecosystem. 

  3. Sponsor our next report.
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Inside the Report

Find out how your city and country are ranked in the Startup Ecosystem Rankings 2020 report

Inside the Report

Mentions of StartupBlink and Report

Guy Kawasaki

Canada's Minister of Science

Mentions of StartupBlink and Report

  The Mayor of Edmonton

Mentions of StartupBlink and Report

Mentions of StartupBlink and Report

Our 2019 Report was the first ever to rank more than 100 countries and 1000 cities around the world, and each year we are continuing to build the world’s most comprehensive dataset on startup ecosystems. Our report has been downloaded by thousands of decision-makers around the world, used by top government officials, and has received thousands of mentions in global and national press.

Press for Our Global Startup Rankings

Press for our Global Startup Rankings

As the world's most comprehensive startup ecosystem map and research center, StartupBlink collaborates with dozens of governments and global development organizations around the world on a variety of projects related to entrepreneurship, innovation, and startup ecosystem growth, including the World Bank and the UNAIDS.

The StartupBlink interactive startup ecosystem map tracks over 100,000 ecosystem stakeholders worldwide. The StartupBlink annual Global Startup Ecosystem Index, which ranks the startup ecosystems of over 1,000 cities and 100 countries, is read by hundreds of thousands of decision makers around the world.

The goal of StartupBlink is to improve the development of local startup ecosystems by partnering with leading organizations in those cities and supplying crucial data that will allow governments, municipalities, universities, corporations, and entrepreneurs themselves to make informed decisions on critical business and resource management issues.
Our ecosystem map and Reports are downloaded by thousands of readers and have been featured in media outlets such as CNN, Forbes, Business Insider

About StartupBlink

The StartupBlink Global Startup Ecosystem map was launched in 2014, and is used by tens of thousands of registered startups, coworking spaces, accelerators, reporters, and investors. Our global data partners include CrunchBase, SEMrush and Meetup. StartupBlink is also working with dozens of clients from governments and municipalities to promote, map, and research their ecosystems. Our network of dozens of communities and active members serve over 50,000 entrepreneurs.

Our annual 
Global Startup Report ranks the startup ecosystems of more than 1,000 cities and 100 countries. Our reports are downloaded by tens of thousands of decision-makers around the world, mentioned by top government officials, and received hundreds of mentions in the global and national press.  

About StartupBlink

About StartupBlink

As the world's most comprehensive startup ecosystem map and research center, StartupBlink has developed customised startup portals to showcase ecosystems worldwide and connect innovative organizations to fast growing startups.

Some of these projects include the Coronavirus Innovation Map, a global directory of innovations and solutions that help people cope and adapt to life amid the Covid-19 pandemic (created in collaboration with HIEx by UNAIDS) and the Global Fintech Index, a map of Fintech Innovations worldwide (created with Findexable)

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What's inside the report:

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Among our Ecosystem Partners

Want to help us make the report better?

Become an Ecosystem Partner in your city. Read all about it here.
Let us know about the projects you are currently working on and how we can help!

Want to help us make the report better?

For more details about the following options, please Contact us.

  1. Become a Ecosystem Partner in your city. Read all about it here.

  2. Specific Research. We can work on specific research and consulting projects on your local startup ecosystem. 

  3. Sponsor our next report.
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The Global Startup Ecosystem Index Report 2024

Ranking the Startup Ecosystems of 1,000 cities and 100 countries

Inside the Report

Find out how your city and country rank globally and in comparison to neighbouring ecosystems 

Read in-depth case studies on some of the most exciting and fastest growing ecosystems in 2021

Discover the latest startup ecosystem trends by region and across 12 industries

Download the Report

What's inside the report:

City & Country Rankings: Explore the world's top 100 countries and 1,000 cities ranked by startup ecosystem strength, accompanied by focused analysis.

Regional Analysis: Review the top cities and countries taking the lead in each major region.

Industry Analysis: Explore the world’s best ecosystems across 12 industries, such as foodtech, edtech, Covid-19 innovation, and more.

Methodology: Understand our methodology and ranking algorithm, including internal and external sources used to generate the ranking.

Case Studies: Discover some of the world’s most exciting startup ecosystems and understand what makes them unique.

If you’re looking for further elaboration of the data and analysis used to create the report, head over to our StartupBlink PRO page. There you can access the rankings in more detail, explore the raw data we used to feed into the algorithm, and receive a tailored ecosystem analysis of your city.

Download the Report

Mentions of StartupBlink and Report

Our 2019 Report was the first ever to rank more than 100 countries and 1000 cities around the world, and each year we are continuing to build the world’s most comprehensive dataset on startup ecosystems. Our report has been downloaded by thousands of decision-makers around the world, used by top government officials, and has received thousands of mentions in global and national press.

Want to help us make the report better?

Become an Ecosystem Partner in your city. Read all about it here.
Let us know about the projects you are currently working on and how we can help!

Become an Ecosystem Partner in your city. Read all about it here.
Let us know about the projects you are currently working on and how we can help!

Contact us

As the world's most comprehensive startup ecosystem map and research center, StartupBlink collaborates with dozens of governments and global development organizations around the world on a variety of projects related to entrepreneurship, innovation, and startup ecosystem growth, including the World Bank and the UNAIDS.

The StartupBlink interactive startup ecosystem map tracks over 100,000 ecosystem stakeholders worldwide. The StartupBlink annual Global Startup Ecosystem Index, which ranks the startup ecosystems of over 1,000 cities and 100 countries, is read by hundreds of thousands of decision makers around the world.

Download the Report

Press for Our Global Startup Rankings

Press for our Global Startup Rankings

Find out how your city and country rank globally and in comparison to neighbouring ecosystems 

Read in-depth case studies on some of the most exciting and fastest growing ecosystems in 2024

Understand what is the current state of the startup ecosystem and its industry and social trends

City & Country Rankings

Explore the world's top 100 countries and 1,000 cities ranked by startup ecosystem strength, accompanied by focused analysis.

If you’re looking for further elaboration of the data and analysis used to create the report, head over to our StartupBlink PRO page. There you can access the rankings in more detail, explore the raw data we used to feed into the algorithm and receive a tailored ecosystem analysis of your city.

Regional Analysis

Review the top cities and countries taking the lead in each major region.

Industry Analysis

Explore the world’s best ecosystems across 11 industries, such as fintech, foodtech, edtech, and more.

Get an overview of the startup economy, industry and social trends, and geopolitical updates. 

Current State of the Startup Ecosystem

Case Studies

Discover some of the world’s most exciting startup ecosystems and understand what makes them unique.

S T A R T U P B L I N K   P R E S E N T S

Inside the Report

Why should you download this report?

Find out how your city and country rank globally and in comparison to neighbouring ecosystems 

Read in-depth case studies on some of the most exciting and fastest growing ecosystems in 2024

Understand what is the current state of the startup ecosystem and its industry and social trends

City & Country Rankings

Explore the world's top 100 countries and 1,000 cities ranked by startup ecosystem strength, accompanied by focused analysis.

Case Studies

Discover some of the world’s most exciting startup ecosystems and understand what makes them unique.

Industry Analysis

Explore the world’s best ecosystems across 11 industries, such as fintech, foodtech, edtech, and more.

Current State of the Startup Ecosystem

Get an overview of the startup economy, industry and social trends and geopolitical updates.

Regional Analysis

Review the top cities and countries taking the lead in each major region.

Download the Report

If you’re looking for further elaboration of the data and analysis used to create the report, head over to our StartupBlink PRO page. There you can access the rankings in more detail, explore the raw data we used to feed into the algorithm and receive a tailored ecosystem analysis of your city.

About StartupBlink




"The Partnership with StartupBlink allows a unique opportunity to present your city, even if it’s a small one. This is the case of Kaunas. StartupBlink gave us a wonderful opportunity to consolidate different initiatives and compare them on an international level which, in return, allowed us to see where we should improve more in the future. These results wouldn’t have been possible without pro-active and timely efforts of the StartupBlink team. They are open, creative, and eager to cooperate and find suitable solutions. " 

Tadas Stankevičius
Head of Business Division  Kauns

Tadas Stankevičius
Head of Business Division 
 Kaunas IN

Nishant Das,
Manager – 
Response Innovation Lab, Somalia

Mentions of StartupBlink and the Index

Gustavo Gimenez 

Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Paraguay

"The StartupBlink Index gives Paraguay a great opportunity to show the world the progress being made by the dynamic private sector, which is increasingly encouraged to create and promote startups that offer solutions for an increasingly demanding local market with internationalization potential.
Government agencies involved in the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and MSMEs have in this index, an important baseline to promote initiatives that complement and encourage the efforts of the emerging ecosystem of startups and support entities."

"The Global Startup Ecosystem Index has shown every year a very consistent growth of our innovation ecosystem, the Pinhão Valley, which led Curitiba to win the Smart City Awards in Barcelona, in 2023. We are proud to say that all of this innovation has become a social process, improving the life in our city. StartupBlink is an essential tool for us, a reference to be followed".


Rafael Greca

Mayor of Curitiba


"StartupBlink gave us a wonderful opportunity to consolidate different initiatives and compare them on an international level which, in return, allowed us to see where we should improve more in the future. These results wouldn’t have been possible without pro-active and timely efforts of the StartupBlink team. They are open, creative, and eager to cooperate and find suitable solutions. " 

Tadas Stankevičius
Head of Business Division 
 Kaunas IN

"It has been great to partner with StartupBlink to bring some positive attention to the Somali innovation and start-up ecosystem. The team at StartUpBlink worked hard to ensure that the unique characteristics of this frontier economy were properly captured and profiled on their ranking, and that this could then point those who were interested to learn more in the right direction for further information."

Nishant Das,
Manager – 
Response Innovation Lab, Somalia

"It is with great satisfaction that we receive the news that Leiria has climbed 33 positions in the Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2024 ranking.  This recognition is testimony of the excellent work and dedication of all those involved in the development of our startup ecosystem.
Leiria is deeply committed to continuing its investment in innovation. Our collaboration with StartupBlink has been very important in giving visibility and boosting the growth of our ecosystem."

Gonçalo Lopes

Mayor of Leiria, Portugal

"In the dynamic global landscape of innovation, we are thrilled to witness Malta's ongoing ascent in the 2024 Global Startup Ecosystem Index. This continued advancement highlights our unwavering dedication to cultivating an environment that nurtures entrepreneurship and innovation. It's a reflection to our collective efforts and reinforces our commitment to driving sustainable growth in our startup ecosystem."

Wayne Grixti

CEO of

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